Who Needs Electronic Management System?

by | Apr 17, 2018 | Start & Grow Business | 0 comments

There is no doubt that the world is rapidly turning virtual. Large volumes of unimaginable data can now be processed within the slice of a minute. People now do more with twenty-four hours than some did with 24 decades prior to the 21st century. The barrier of distance is constantly becoming thinner by the day. Companies and firms now spend less to achieve more. With just a PC or smartphone, a fully functional enterprise can be set up, managed and steered towards growth, profit and maximum productivity.

But how are all these possible?

The answer is E-Management system.

Have you wondered why companies like AreteHost make more money in a day than several companies do in a year? Have you paused to ask why the teachers in your school struggle to get results ready before term end whereas those of your next-door competitor do so effortlessly? Well, the answer may not be far-fetched. They may really be doing something that you are not. could it be charm? Maybe they are really using a charm. But the name of that charm is most likely Electronic Management system.

So today, we will explore who needs this beautiful innovation. Who knows, you may just need one, and here is why.


First, we need to establish that Electronic management is the use of every digital and virtual apparatus to enhance the daily operations of an enterprise. It involves the employ of all aspects of Internet and Communication Technology in the running of a firm, organization or institution. The purpose of this is to make operations faster, cheaper and more effective while ensuring maximum productivity and uncompromised profit margin.

Some establishments may have less need of Electronic management than others. The following are the ones we consider to have most need of this system:

  1. Schools

As a child, I passed through a public-school system. At the time, we would usually get the result for each term at the beginning of the next. You can imagine the cloud of uncertainty that always hung over our heads while on break knowing that we did not even know how well we had performed in the previous term. We would have really loved to be returning home at the end of each term with our results but we understood the teachers’ predicament. The students’ population was just too much for the teachers to handle within the term. They needed enough time and space which only the break could afford them.

Did I forget to mention?

Due to our large number, general school management was quite difficult to handle. Attendance was cumbersome to monitor; ID cards took ages to produce; library cards did very little to regulate the abuse of library privileges; and teachers had to go through the different classes to collect simple levies. Even the staff missed school as they wished. They simply had to tell their colleagues to sign them in in the daily attendance register. We never believed it could be any better.

But recently, I discovered something new. Results can actually be compiled within thirty minutes. Teachers can actually assess and score their students from anywhere at any time. Parents can receive text notifications each time their wards missed a class. ID cards can actually be produced within seconds. Levies can really be collected without any stress at all. And to crown it all, students can check their results from anywhere in the world. These were all made possible with the aid of an Electronic Management System.


  1. Hospitals

Have you ever had a long queue of patients waiting to get a card before they can be admitted to receive treatment in your hospital? Tiring! Right?

Well it can be better. An Electronic Management System can help you admit patients into your clinic without having to waste any second on cards. Patients can simply fill out online forms and submit them to your website even before getting to the door of your clinic/hospital. Payments can also be processed online without any physical contact.

This way, the cost of producing cards and hiring different hands to do the many aspects of administrative work will be totally cut down. Speed is also ensured as no queues will need happen in your clinic. Do I also need to mention that this ease of service delivery will put your hospital on the top of every patient’s list? Well, add that too.


  1. Firms

We know that profit-making is an aim of every business venture. No business man wants to spend more to achieve less. We all want the most possible productivity at reasonably controlled cost.

Now that is exactly what Electronic Management System holds for your business. It offers the possibility of employing fewer labour, spending less on recurrent expenditure while ensuring maximum productivity and great gain.

Salaries can be paid automatically (No one needs to go to a bank to make this happen); transactions can be made from any part of the world with your firm (You can win contracts without being present to bid for it); your company can gain prominence in the digital space; you can monitor stock ups and downs even while in bed. Do you still spend money on files and office stationaries? Well, that too can be handled by an Electronic Management System.


So How Do I Get One?

You can check online for a good digital company to help you set up one. But be sure to look up how long the firm has been in existence and how many clients they have worked for. Also look up what others say about them as this will almost always be true.

With these in consideration, I would strongly recommend www.aretehost.com. The firm has been in business for about ten years now and has worked with over one hundred clients within and outside Africa.




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